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What is the thermal resistance of SKYTECH ?
SKYTECH has a thermal resistance R=1,7. This value is measured according to the European standard EN NF 16012, the only up to date standard for reflective materials. The test configuration of this standard are laboratory conditions, non representative of real climate conditions. Tests are carried out on product sample, humidity and reflection rates are low with minor temperature variation. Air tightness is considered high unlike refurbishment conditions where air leaks are numerous.
It is important, then, to understand that to insulate, you must consider energy losses at the building scale (thermal bridges, air leaks, reflection, etc.).
What energy savings can I expect by installing SKYTECH ?
From the installation, our customers see a 50% decrease of their energy bill. The average gain is 3°C in winter and 7°C in summer from 29 to 22°C.
SKYTECH isn’t too dense to be breathable ?
Each part has been carefully selected to make a system highly breathable. The lower foil is very open with micro perforations. The cloth allows water vapour to evaporate through fiberglass fibers. The breathable membrane allows the water vapour to evacuate from inside to outside and do not let any water drop to come from outside to inside. The external fiberglass foil is also micro perforated. The full complexe gives a Sd value of 0,05 meters (measured by an official laboratory).
What is the use of SKYTECH in winter ?
The high density cloth of SKYTECH and its integrated breathable membrane can, in winter, insulate from heat leaks. It is all the difference from other reflective products, SKYTECH does not only play on the reflectivity in building thermal refurbishment. Furthermore, SKYTECH is 95% reflective and it is thus very efficient to evacuate the heat in the superior air gap in summer time. SKYTECH insulates in summer and in winter.