Application type : roof
Number of m² installed : 198m²
The owners, who wanted to replace their old roof with a new one, have decided to install at the same time the insulating breather membrane SKYTECH PRO XL. The attic space was converted and on use, so it was necessary to proceed roof side by roof side so as not to disturb the inhabitants. The second roof side had several singular points like the application around two chimneys ducts on the ridge, two ventilation ducts, a roof window and five roof dormers. To ensure a perfect compression of the product and a regularity of the roof covering, counter-battens fixing has been done with 40 mm counter-battens. The contractor has the RGE qualification and has been installing Skytech Pro for 2 years now.
Strengths :
- HPV (High vapour permeability), Skytech Pro XL has been installed in direct contact with 100 mm-thick glass wool.
- SKYTECH Pro XL allowed a continuous insulation around roof dormers, roof windows and ventilation and chimney ducts.
- The connecting point between both house parts created a major thermal bridge (25 cm wide over 6 meters long) and was thus insulated without extra thickness and without raising the roof.

Integrated adhesive strip

Insulating envelope even around chimney ducts

Dormer window insulation

Reduce thermal bridges over the rafters.

The project North facade.

Roof window seal
Work details :
- Complete roof and insulation removal.
- Partial replacement of the damaged rafters and leveling of the frame.
- Installation of 100 mm-thick glass wool felt with kraft paper.
- Tightened application of Skytech Pro XL between rafters (distance: 40 cm).
- 40/40 mm counter battens.
- Battens installation.
- Slates installation.